Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday

1.  I woke up today at 5:05 AM and couldn't fall back asleep.  I'm usually still hitting snooze right now and, instead, I'm wide-awake with time to blog.

2.  I turned in my last paper on Sunday which means I'm done with school until January 4.  And you have NO idea how happy I am that I  won't have to sit in class for the next three weeks.

3.  I am donezo with my Christmas shopping.  I placed my last order yesterday morning and I'm pretty sure everything has shipped.  It feels good.

4.  Last week I ordered a pair of brown, faux leather, tall boots.  They were from Avenue, a plus size clothing store, and promised wide calves. I was excited for my boots to arrive and ripped into the package when it arrived yesterday.  I kicked my sneakers off and pulled the right boot on only to find that my wide calf boots from the big girl store aren't quite wide enough for my massive calves.  So today I will be going to a shoe repair shop so that I can look into having gussets put in the boots.  Sigh...

5.  Last night I hung up clothes that I washed a month ago.  It's done now.  Don't judge me.

6.  I plan to dye sugar Wednesday night to prepare for cookie baking Thursday night.  Please say a prayer or two that this endeavor goes the way I want it to.

7.  On Friday night I accidentally yelled at the woman at Hallmark so that she wouldn't make me inadvertently shop lift.  I had one item sitting on another and she only scanned the bottom item.  I had to stop her.  It turns out she knew that they were two separate items.  Ooops...

8.  Yesterday I dropped my leftover meat loaf and roasted red potatoes on the floor at work.  I had just pulled my food out of the microwave and for some reason I just dropped it all on the floor.  Nothing was salvaged, I uttered some words that aren't found in the bible, and I was forced to have the world's worst can of soup for lunch. 

9.  I think it's foul that Bath and Body Works only stocks Vanilla Bean Noel at Christmas.  It's their very best scent and I have to wait all year for new products.  I will be rationing this year's body spray in order to make it to November 2012. 

10.  My cousin, Tiffany, got married this weekend and, in addition to a beautiful wedding, I got to watch Paul and my cousin Lisa's husband, Jermey, team-lift a bowl full of punch.  It  doesn't sound like it at all, but watching two grown men gingerly lift and carry a bowl of punch is hilarious.  Just trust.

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